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Response to Fraud Order - Email Screenshot Included - Printable Version

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Response to Fraud Order - Email Screenshot Included - AmandaRob - 09-07-2020

Response to Fraud Order - Email Screenshot Included

Here's the email i just sent after winning a chargeback vs. a Fraud customer -

Backstory - I own an underwear brand and recently had a customer place an order of 6 pairs. Shipped it out to him and he received them.

He then emails my customer support saying that all 6 pairs are damaged and worn, and he wants a refund. I said sure thing, just send them back and I’ll refund you in full.

He says that they’re ALL not in their individual package and they came loose in the mailer. That’s a lie, nothing leaves the factory non-packaged. In the crazy even that it happens, there’s no way that 1 person would get all 6 worn pairs.

I asked for a photo of the tear so we can help him out, and he send a photo of some random gray fabric that’s not ours. I even offered to pay the shipping cost back to our warehouse.

2 days later, he filed a chargeback with his credit card. Clearly wants to keep all 6 pairs and get his money back. We won the case, but I wanted to send him a message in the hopes that he gets scared to fraud other companies in the future. Absolute nonsense. Online fraud is getting way too common.

He just emailed all worried, but I’m gonna leave him hanging.

EDIT: some people think I actually did all the things in the email. It’s a joke. I’m trolling the guy.

submitted by /u/getnooks
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