Forming first LLC
Forming first LLC


I am currently looking into forming an LLC with a partner starting off selling cards online. We reside in MA but to form it in MA there is a $500 formation fee plus an annual $500 annual report fee.

RI is down the street from me. It’s $150 to form in RI plus an annual $50 annual report fee. However, if I choose to form in RI I would not be able to appoint myself as the RI registered agent and would need to appoint a company like northwest or zen business as the registered agent. However the cost to have one of these entities can be about $125 a year.

Can someone weigh in with some advice ? I’ve seen a lot of people on this thread say to just file in your joke state but that $500 annual filing fee seems very high seeing as my business is just selling trading cards online

submitted by /u/kgl313
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