Dropshipping Is Dead, But it Somehow Made Me Over 100k in 2020, AMA
Dropshipping Is Dead, But it Somehow Made Me Over 100k in 2020, AMA

Hey guys,

I know this topic is pretty beat to death and dropshipping isn't exactly everyone's favorite business model around here, but just bear with me for a second.

I’m a long time lurker in this sub and have always been kind of intrigued by the idea of a dropshipping business. However, searching through this sub you can find many posts claiming that dropshipping is completely dead and is not a viable business model and most of these posts have totally rational explanations for this. I was fully bought into this mentality, I mean after all, who would buy overpriced products online when they are readily available on Amazon and elsewhere on the internet for cheaper?

I should mention that I also own several fairly large pages on Instagram and I constantly have dropshipping brands reach out to me to buy shoutouts. I have always assumed that these businesses are wasting their time and are probably losing money hand over fist.

Fast forward to 2020, the lockdown hits, and with this, my DMS blow up with all kinds of new ventures that people want to promote. I decided to also give this a go myself because it’s not like I am missing out on anything else going on in the world anyway. I've already done a fair amount of research on how this business works and away I went.

My first two stores were trying to sell phone cases and selfie ring lights and guess what... they failed miserably and didn’t even make a single sale. I was on the verge of calling it quits and then, I decided to sell a super “SATURATED” product because I thought that even though this will probably fail at least I can generate a couple of sales as this product was in very high demand based on AliExpress and Amazon orders and I wanted to prove this model to myself. The funny thing is I even saw a few YouTube Videos that said do not sell this product and it was used as an example of a bad dropshipping store.

The first sale happened just several hours after I launched my ads and that store went on to make over 100k in sales primarily through Facebook and Instagram marketing.

If you’re interested in exactly how I did this, I go into depth on the ad account, how the store itself was set up, and profit/revenue numbers in the video below.

Video: Link

At the end of the day, this may not be Lambo money, but I hope it at least helps show that you CAN make money dropshipping and it’s a great business model (especially beginners) to get started with an online business.

Alright guys that’s all I got, thanks for reading. I’ll be around to answer any questions.

submitted by /u/Mus1k
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