Maid / Service Based Business Owners - Can You Help Me With Some Feedback For A Sale
Maid / Service Based Business Owners - Can You Help Me With Some Feedback For A Sale

Over the next 12 months or so I want to fully transition into working for myself. I'm going to pretty much exclusively focus on Google Ads marketing to get Leads for Maid / Cleaning companies as I know I can do a better job than 99% of other people in this niche and I also think it's a good idea to become an expert in one niche and become a bit of an authority in it etc.

What I need some feedback on is a Landing Page I have created which I will send traffic to in the future aimed at Maid / Cleaning business owners.

I think the design is nice but my main worry is the copy on the page - I'm a terrible copywriter. I am also a bit worried that the wording at the beginning makes it sound like a guide on how they can do it themselves, as opposed to how I can do it for them.

I also am not sure on the video review at the bottom, I think it may be a bit too long, but then I have had a few people say it's way to short so I really have no clue haha..

Any and all feedback on the page, good or back welcomed.


Edit: I have changed the domain link to a secure one with HTTPS so it works correctly - I do not own Dashmaids, I am only using it's domain..

submitted by /u/UniDropout1
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