My dad started his own little carpentry/remodeling business a few years ago. It's been doing pretty well. Last year I started working for him as his first employee. Lucky for us we have been doing pretty well during the pandemic.
Hes 60 years old, obviously he doesn't have a whole lot of time left but he plans to keep working as long as he can and teach me in the meantime. His scope of work as a contractor is much bigger than I expected. Reading plans, coordinating with other companies, permits, taxes etc all seems pretty overwhelming to me. I was pretty good in school, but I was a C student because I didn't do my homework half the time. My biggest fear is I'll get behind on my paperwork and screw up billing/taxes. I have about 14 years work experience previous to working for him, and while I have done a lot of this work before I've never really had to do paperwork since high-school, except for on a few jobs where my old company needed a foreman and the I was the only one allowed to drive the trucks.
He wants to on sell me his house (1/3 between siblings with me getting the lions share with how much work I've put into it) and living in an addition he has built on it and then renting from me until he dies.
I plan on having a proper sit down meeting with him with a notebook full of information I need and questions I have to ask. I really don't want to ruin this.
Tldr: My daddies rich and wants to give me his stuff before he dies but I'm not smart enough to run a company (in b4 pfjerk).
Edit. Well this has gotten more attention than I expected. Thanks everyone for your kind words, and some of the harsher ones. Those of your who think I'm a loser riding my dad's coat tails - fuck off you're just jealous. For everyone else, I'll be sticking around this sub a while to see what you're chatting about. I'm more of a lurker and this isn't my main account anyways. I'll be reading what everyone says even if I don't comment back, know that you can been heard.
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