How much trouble can I get in?
How much trouble can I get in?

For having someone work under the table for me? I was helping a friend with money and couldn’t afford to put him on payroll but he worked a couple months once a week as a door guy for me, 5 hours per week, and then for about 2.5 months right before Covid he worked 1.5 shifts per week.

He was out of the state for 3/4 of 2019 so all told I think he only worked about 280 hours (split over 2019/2020). This state requires 680 hours for unemployment in a year. He’s telling me between my place and other places he has that minimum even though he was out of state for at least 6 months if not more of 2019 and only in the state for 2 months of 2020.

Now he wants to report me to unemployment because he feels cheated out of unemployment. I’m not the only person who he worked for on the side and also, he wasn’t physically in the state. I’m tempted to fess up and take the consequences but I don’t even know if it’s worth it because he won’t get unemployment retroactively anyway.

What should I do?

submitted by /u/whatwouldyoudointhis
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