First Trade Show - help appreciated!!
First Trade Show - help appreciated!!

Hey there! Im going to my first trade show and I was just wondering a few things?

- Currently, my items are priced for online retail sale (so takes into account cost of making, shipping to me, with good margin for profit with no other associated costs). Do you charge slightly more at a trade show, due to the extra associated costs? I was honestly just thinking of rounding to the nearest $5 (so my item would go from $12 to $15) just to make giving change and doing math easier but obviously if its a no-no then I wont!!

- Im selling a small, 2" dog tag. Im debating getting bags to put them after purchase - my issue is my tags are 2" and the smallest bags I can find in bulk are 8"! My tags would be SWIMMING in them and it just seems so wasteful.... This show takes place at a dog show so folks can buy the tag and put it on their dog (or keychain) right away if they wished. Would you forgo bags in my scenario? If not, do you have any recommendations on where I can buy smaller bags? Amazon has been no help!

- Business cards - yay or nay? I have a facebook page and website I could advertise on them and give out with every purchase or to those who want to order online. I *should* be able to get business cards made before my first show (I wasnt planning on having a booth at this show but the Show Chair invited me personally - I couldnt say no! Plus shes not even charging me for a table, the opportunity was too good to pass up but it is making acquiring certain things harder due to the time crunch)

- Change - how much? If any? I'll be bringing about $400 worth of inventory to the show and will be getting a credit/debit square terminal.

What are your must-haves at your trade show booths? So far Im pretty basic!
- Business Banner
- Product (duh)
- Table cloth
- Maybe drinks (Ill need to double check if drinks are allowed at the venue)
- Chair

Thanks for your time!

submitted by /u/AnimalCartoons
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