How to drive traffic to your shop?
How to drive traffic to your shop?

I have a business idea, a product idea, and have done a ton of financial planning. The last thing left is to do is to actually make a mock-up of the product. But I’ve got cold feet. My website is beautiful, my “Coming Soon” landing page is short and to the point, but I’m really worried about marketing.

I’m a professor with an academic degree—I don’t know anything about marketing lol. I know ad services like google, facebook and instagram ads are helpful, but ideally I want to beef up my email list before I drop my money on product production.

I know that many successful businesses test drive product interest by drumming up subscribers before they make and sell the product, I just don’t know where to start.

I have a tiktok where I thought of filming the production process, and an instagram for product photos and shopping, obviously. I also have a twitter, but I might delete it because I have no idea what to even retweet with it.

But without a do I help my target audience to find me?

submitted by /u/youbettalerkbitch
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