Is my business idea worth pursuing?
Is my business idea worth pursuing?

Read the 3rd paragraph for TLDR;

I am a health care aide ( I think you called them CNA in the US). I took the course about a year ago because I didn't really know what I wanted to do with my life. The course was short and the pay was okay (after being in the field, I realized pay is crap). I finished and started working. I was working at a long-term care facility and it was awful. I couldn't get over how messed up everything was. 5 workers for 20-40 people on a floor and most of the time we were short. Nobody was being taken care of properly or receiving attention because there just weren't enough of us. It was a rare occasion when someone came to visit their disabled or demented family member and I was told by some of the older workers that some residents never saw their family once they were put in the facility. All the residents were depressed and some talked about wanting to kill themselves. Some of my co-workers were incredibly hard to work with and abused our residents. I have been to two other facilities since then and nothing was different or better.

So, recently I started doing private care for an older man. My partner and I live with him in exchange for accommodation. Up until now, I have been very satisfied with the job. The issue is that I have not been able to have a proper day off since I started and it's starting to frustrate me. This has been due to the client's daughter not planning things out properly. I started looking for other private care jobs but there seems to be a pattern of families lacking the skills to properly hire someone. None of them seemed to have any concrete idea of what they wanted or needed. As an employee, this is a huge turn-off and the job comes off as too risky. This is where my business idea comes in.

I want to start a private care coordination/consulting(?) business. I would use my knowledge and experience in the health care field to properly set up a foundation for the client and employee to make private care work. My service would include; finding employees, setting up a daily care schedule, setting up a client charting and communications system, setting up a clock-in and timesheet system, non-medical training for employees, and setting up an essential supply and grocery list for the employee to follow.

I feel unsure about my idea because I don't see anyone else trying to do it. There is such a thing as a geriatric care manager but their focus is mostly on finding the right care for the client (whether that be, LTC, assisted living, or home support), communicating with the doctor, and creating a care plan. I'm not interested in putting people in LTC facilities nor am I qualified to make those decisions with a doctor. I am interested in targeting clients who know they want to keep their loved ones at home but lack the tools and experience to set up their own private care. So here I am asking strangers what they think of this idea. Any advice is welcome.

submitted by /u/SnooRadishes2469
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