Two apps with just flat active users
Two apps with just flat active users

With my cofounder we launched a couple of apps a while back and now we have pretty good stats on acquisition and retention. The weird part is that both (one is on iOS, the other one on Android, totally unrelated), seem to be gaining as many new users from the app stores as they are losing over time, thus the DAU are pretty much constant over the last year. We started wondering if it's something other people are experiencing as well, or is it something specific to our apps. We've had apps in the past which grew organically and climbed up the app store and google play ladder (one to ~2M downloads), and we've had apps which just tanked after our initial promotion efforts. However here we are quite surprised to see this equilibrium and even started wondering if google/apple have some sort of an algorithm to keep them just alive (very doubtful they'd do that). Has anyone seen apps just sitting flat on some DAU and never going either way for more than 12 months?

submitted by /u/asphx
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