Help With a Clever Name for a New Veterinary Dental Speciality Hospital
Help With a Clever Name for a New Veterinary Dental Speciality Hospital

I'm a freelance graphic designer and am working with a client to help them revamp their business name. They are a Veterinary Dental Speciality Hospital focusing mainly on Cats & Dogs.

A huge part of this re-brand is to make sure their brand (logo and name) feel; clean, simple, professional, trendy, modern and high-end. In order to achieve this we decided to go with a short singular word that can relate to teeth, pets, or both. An example would be; "Pearl." or "Crown." - both of these names are already used so we can't use them but that's the general idea. They want something that sounds sophisticated and not too cute-sy and cartoon-ish

Here is a list of some names we brainstormed together, but none of them feel like they are sticking or just have that unique punch; Pet Pearls., Companion., Titanium., Royal., Gleam., Roots., Glory., White Fang., Wisdom.,

I am so grateful for any creative geniuses that are able to share their ideas! Thank you in advance!(Please refrain from any non-serious responses.)

submitted by /u/jgsch99
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