New Idea: Food Expiration Detector
New Idea: Food Expiration Detector

I am currently in a college of entrepreneurship at CSUSB, and we've been tasked with creating ideas based on patents available from NAVSEA Navy scientists. These patents are based on detecting chemical, biological, and bacterial particles, etc. Anyway, I am conducting consumer interviews and would appreciate any feedback in vetting this idea.

The patent is a handheld sensor (similar to temp sensor) used to detect expiration in food and drink.

  1. Have you ever eaten spoiled food or experienced food poisoning when outside your home?

  2. What food group sits the longest in your fridge?

  3. How do you know if your groceries are still good after 2 weeks? 3 weeks? 4 weeks?

  4. If you throw out food, how much money do you think is spent on thrown food?

  5. How confident are you that the food has gone bad before throwing it out?

  6. When outside of your home or the country, have you avoided eating somewhere due to health concerns with the restaurant or food?

  7. Would you find value in a device which could easily and quickly detect spoiled/unsafe food?

  8. How important is portability in such a device? Would you prefer to just have it at home, or carry it outside the home?

I would appreciate any detail or PM you can offer. Thanks!

submitted by /u/Hshort1126
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