How important is your circle really?
How important is your circle really?

I understand the whole idea of surrounding yourself around likeminded individuals and why that's so important, but how important is it to separate yourself from those who don't have similar goals and ambition levels?

Maybe it's an individual thing, but my current circle is small and they are my day 1 friends. We're all in our 30s and have known each other since high school. I've always been somewhat of a dreamer with some ambitious goals and all my friends are very complacent individuals. They work their 9-5, go to the gym, and just have fun afterwards. This is fine an all, but I'm wondering if being around this type of energy is holding me back.

They have been my friends for a while and I have a hard time just separating myself from them. I have noticed that their "goals" really bring me down. For example, one of them just got into volleyball, skiing, and bmx biking. He's 32 and the bmx bike is one of his biggest "goals". He'll practice tricks everyday for 2-3 hours. This same person just last year, was telling me he was on board to getting financial freedom with me. He suddenly dropped everything for these hobbies.

He'll often ask me to join him even though I have clearly said I have no interest. In my head, he has the most potential and I keep thinking to myself "why are you wasting your potential and time". For some reason, knowing this really brings my mood down.

At the moment these are the friends I have in real life. I also have online friends from communities that share similar goals as me.

TLDR: How important is it to separate yourself from those without similar goals/ambition levels?

submitted by /u/ExpensiveNinja
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