I’m finally hiring someone to build my prototype, and I’m excited to see its fir
I’m finally hiring someone to build my prototype, and I’m excited to see its fir

It’s been about a year since I came up with this new idea for a dating app. Numerous feedback, numerous posts, numerous conversations with strangers for validation, and I carried onward. In the beginning, it was me and two other friends. Now, it’s just me, as my software friends need’s became too much for me in hiring someone for a simple prototype. When i incorporated the company, I did so with the thought they eventually fall off, so i am glad i didn’t involve them into the board, or as partners of the company. I haven’t told Software friend I’m having someone build it yet, but I will eventually. I feel like he needs a push, possible when he sees it he’ll be more serious about it. I’m just excited that I was able to find someone (actually recommended by someone in one of the subreddits), who’s work is fair for me and cost conscious. Finding a developer has been the biggest challenge, for those of us who aren’t one. Trust me, it’s possible, use all these subs as resources. I’m so thankful today for you all. I’m so excited to finally see my baby come to life. Lol. Sound so cheesy. Anyway, onward! Happy Tuesday!

submitted by /u/Elrunningtigre
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