I have always thought that being a dominating, charismatic, and confident persona is the most important part of being a good manager. We all know the guys I'm talking about, Hollywood does a great job of portraying these stereotypes (Think Leo in Wolf of wallstreet), And we all want to be that guy.
As I progressed in my knowledge I see how much empirical and theoretical theories support this. Kotter (1982), says that "Discussions usually contain a considerable amount of joking and kidding and concern non-work related issues," and that while great managers rarely tell others what to do, they influence them to do it. To to this, they spend majority of their time setting up networks. Henry Mintzbergs interpersonal roles also reflect this. In my opinion to be a good Figurehead, Leader, and Liason you Must possess this personality. Behavioral Science experiments like the hawthorne experiment also contain hints towards this. In the experiments elton mayo draws many conclusions, the most important is that social pressures and dynamics were much more significant than corperate pressures. Thats what "The man" does so well, you feel like he is your friend, and he is integrated into the social group dynamics.
While there are no good studies which test correlation between this personality and success, there are studies which Hint to it. For example, The top 500 Fortune CEOs average height was 6ft. Or that, Voice pitch was correlated imensely with marketing success "A 1% decrease in voice pitch is associated with a $30 million increase in the size of the firm managed, and in turn, $19 thousand more in annual compensation."https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1090513813000238 While not conclusive, these point to some truth to this stereotype being true.
So my question, Are their any courses or books which teach how to manifest this mentality and personality? Thanks
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