Found companies who want to cooperate, once again i need to inform myself a bit befo
Found companies who want to cooperate, once again i need to inform myself a bit befo

Once again im here and i hope someone might know something about my situation.

So far:

I have a furniture product which i "invented", you cant patent it tho. I am in contact with (atm) 5 potential suitable suppliers from poland (I am from germany), which are interested. I have a rough physical prototyp and a nearly finished prototyp on paper.

So far i didnt tell them the exact details about the product, just enough information to ensure they can produce it. 3 out of the 5 Companies are bigger companies, which already worked with bigger german companies.

Since i cant patent my furniture thingy i am a bit scared to just tell everyone about it. Experienced companies even more. I have a perfect domain, i would call it, but the name is not yet registered as my brand. Since this product seems to be not existing (at least not in germany and my research didnt find anything even slightly similar) i really dont want to be ripped of and really want to be the first seller and for the launching time the only seller. How do i approach this? I would really benefit in the long run from cooperating with bigger companies because they have better equipment and a better infrasctructure to produce it cheaper and make it easier to ship those things to germany. And even more experience in design to help me out with improving the product.

First thing i thought about it is to register the brand, it costs 290€ but i guess thats just the way it works. But forcing them to sign a nda sounds laughable lol, how would you guys approach this?

submitted by /u/HeyTumbus
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