Need help on how to structure a partnership at an agency
Need help on how to structure a partnership at an agency

Hi, r/Entrepreneur

I run a young podcasting agency out of Bangalore, India called PodMacha. We help companies launch and run podcasts as a service. We also create original podcasts, the first of which, Bangalore In Stories, recently became a part of Apple Podcasts' New & Noteworthy selection in India.

The success of our original show has led to some interest from both clients and those who want to be a part of the agency. One friend in particular is interested in becoming a partner on the project and taking over agency operations. He brings complementary skills to the table; I'm familiar with podcast production end to end and he knows how to set up agency teams and oversee operations. I trust his work ethic and his ability to deliver on several front.

What I need help on is how I should structure this potential partnership. My friend is all-in on this project but sees himself moving on to other things in about three to four years. I'm not sure exactly how big of a chunk of the company to give to him since he already has a clear exit plan. That said, he's also passionate about working on this until he has to make that switch down the line.

I also have plans for the company at large that my friend won't be contributing to. For example, he most likely won't play any role in the original podcasts we produce. I also have plans of starting a podcasting-focused publication which will be my own project under the company banner.

I'd love to hear from those who have had co-founders or partners on projects of this nature about how to decide what percentage each partner deserves, how to divide responsibilities, and so on.

submitted by /u/TheJoseMachine
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