advice needed - quit now or keep working and work it out?
advice needed - quit now or keep working and work it out?

I need some advice whether to quit work now and create a startup or perhaps change career, or keep working (at my non startup job) and continue to work things out.

The main pain points are that i simply don't enjoy or find my current career interesting for me, and have lost the passion and desire to attain the end goal in my profession, having learnt more what it entails now, it just doesn't appeal to me, all it means is that it would leave me with less time left in my life to pursue things that truly matter to me. Money doesn't seem to be a factor as it once did, and the intense demand it would take to move up - it is taking up so much time, both at work and back at home with work related study, just makes me feel i would be better able to spend that time and effort building on something that i truly find meaningful earlier rather than later. In fact, I dread the return to work more and more with each day and perhaps its a disservice and even unethical for me to keep working half-heartedly without intention to improve.

I definitely feel like creating something is fundamentally so much more meaningful and impactful than trading time+skills for money for the rest of my life, I'm thinking hard about possible ideas but i have no contacts, no experience, and no technical skills (like coding). In addition to the drawbacks - I'm not very disciplined, so i'm prone to just doing nothing all day, but at the same time i have a very wide range of interests that I can really go deep and explore and understand that i jsut don't seem to have time for whilst workign at the same time.

I do find my days off are so packed and interesting thinking and learning about problems abou the world and when i feel most passionate and energetic - i'd say my key passion is sustainability and environment restoration which is not really related to my field at all. Speaking more generally, I have all these novel and books i don't have time to read, i need to get fit and exercise but i dont have time for it - i think what i really needed was a gap year to travel and find my passion.

On the flip side everyone in my circle has an expectation that i'm headed towrasd somewhere and theres an irrational fear that i would be seen as a failure and couldn't handle the career if i just jump out into the deep end without a clear idea, the pressure initally might be too much. I need to commit to something - whether to pull up the bootstraps and improve myself at my job (begrdugingly) or just bite the bullet and jump off into a new chapter though it may all be a case of grass-is-greener syndrome which i've heard before from people i've talked to. What are some other factors that would help me consider what to do?

submitted by /u/nekmint
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