To hire a person with issues
To hire a person with issues

Situation a business needs someone to clean their work trucks. By clean we are talking about spraying them down with a pressure washer, removing any debris such as brid crap, etc not detail by any means.

The business is located on a military base. So hiring outside help requires lots of paperwork. This also limits who can easily be hired. The job doesn't require many hours (a few hours a week) for maybe $250-$300 a month.

There is a person who really needs the money but they come with baggage mainly their serious alcoholism. The person has been let go of position in the past over this. However those positions were more customer facing and required more professionalism. this job would allow the person to decide when they wanna work. Nor would this person be interacting with any customers and this person does need the money.

Also said person is retired military so base access is automatic and very easy.

My thoughts is hire the guy with issues as his issues don't really come into play.

Also there is no need for this person to even drive or operate the vehicles.

What would you do?

After some input/thought I decided I'm going hire the guy.

  • He's going have to tell me what days he's going work the following week every Friday he needs to work 2 1/2 hours two days a week. When, is his call.
  • He's obviously not going have access to the keys (they are kept in the office, and he won't have any need to be in the office)
  • Obviously no drinking on the job, but I've known this guy a long time. I also know the last person who let him go. He's never as far as I know would actively drink on the job.

As for why the limit, honestly this a nice thing we got budgeted for, we aren't willing to budget more then what we have budgeted and if we can't get it done for what we have budgeted its going become the responsibility of the people who drive the vehicles to keep them decently clean.

submitted by /u/PGLiberal
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