Need advice for new startup
Need advice for new startup

Hi im in the proccess of starting my tech startup and looking for some advice on how to go about it. A month ago I had a great idea for a tech startup, it would be a paid service web app. I have validated the idea and will be putting all my effort into bringing my vision to life. I am just about done a detailed wireframe and feel confident about it. My plan is to pay for some UI prototyping so I can create a pitch deck and put it in. I want to pitch it to investors and developers to create a partnership because of course it would be impossible to do it all myself. Is this the right way to go about it, do you have any advice that can point me in the right direction? I had a previous tech startup that failed. Albeit I learned alot from that failure, I worked with a hired developer and this time around I plan to partner with a developer instead for various reasons. That startup was actually a great idea I was the first to a niche market however the execution was terrible and I watched how years later someone else came out with the same idea and scaled it to 9 figures. I feel like my current project has enormous potential and just want to do it right this time around. Any advice on how to go from a wireframe to successful startup would he appreciated

submitted by /u/rogen916
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