Do I need to register to do business in CA as a foreign LLC in this situation?
Do I need to register to do business in CA as a foreign LLC in this situation?

Per NOLO, there are several situations where you aren't considered transacting business in CA and therefore don't need to register as a foreign entity, including if you use independent contractors.

I am an LLC based in GA that will be hiring independent contractors to represent my company and meet with and sell to potential customers in CA. The sales agreements will be between my company and the client, not between the client and contractor. The contractor is essentially an independent sales rep.

I will not have an employee, warehouse, or physical office in CA. The equipment I sell will be shipped to CA from NJ.

Am I therefore considered doing business in CA and will need to register? Will I need to collect CA sales tax? Or am I exempt from both of these things?


submitted by /u/StableGenius81
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