Ordering soda pop from other countries
Ordering soda pop from other countries

Hi guys,

Can someone please help me out? I have noticed that smoke shops in my area are selling exclusive soda pops from all around the world at extremely market up prices. I believe this is a new fad amongst the younger generation. It’s crazy, because I was in London and seen a Fanta flavor out there that was 2 pounds selling at this smoke shop for $50 USD. Can anyone help me in finding out how I can order these soda pops at discounted prices? I figure I might at well go to these smoke shops and see if I can get them to start buying from me. The mark up is absurd, so I’m sure there is plenty of room for me to have decent profit margins and to sell to them for cheaper than they are getting it. I spoke to a shop owner who told me he doubles the price he gets them for. So he is paying $25 for a soda pop worth $3 USD?! I just can’t seem to find a way to order wholesale. Thank you so much in advance m!

submitted by /u/neen209
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