(Interpersonal) 2 Person side hustle. My partner and I are not on the same page what
(Interpersonal) 2 Person side hustle. My partner and I are not on the same page what

This is hard to write. Mainly because i'm a little bit infuriated at the situation.

I won't go into our business methods or what we really do, or our pitch.

My method includes taking photographs and scanning them, using software to separate and rotate them, and then saving them. I also am the one who is qualified to archive and develop a custom preservation solution for these photographs. My partner does none of this.

What he does? Possess a camera. His job is to film our intake condition analysis, photograph damage we find on items, and take photos of each item next to a numbered identification card.

He also is the one who retouches photographs as an additional service per client's request. He has done retouching of 4 photographs out of 16 total clients.

He is also in charge of building our website and advertising. He has done none of that in the 3 months we've been running.

So... what does he do? Looks for camera gear on the internet. He wants a specific, SUPER expensive piece of equipment that would allow him to... take pictures of photographs. I have explained to him over and over and over again that we do not need that. We have a scanner that does that job for us. But for the last 4 days, he has been on various different websites and blogs learning about different lenses and photography gear he's interested in.

The camera, lenses, and equipment we have at the present moment is entirely sufficient for what we need to complete the entirety of services we offer.

And then he slipped something. He said his dad has been giving him 'a lot' of money to invest in our business. He says he's using that money to buy more camera equipment. That we do not need. I asked him how much money he has spent on the equipment he has already bought for the business. He said he would never tell me, because that's his money. I don't really know if it is actually... his money or not. His dad said it was to invest in things we need for the business, but my partner thought that since the money came from his own father, he should use it on his own camera gear. So I cannot put any of those expenses on our finances forms. He refuses to talk to me about the money he spends, or what he buys for my business.

I do know that he has $72,000 in savings. I have zero. and $70 in my bank account. He never offers to buy any archival supplies for our company. So I have to drop massive amounts of money on supplies all the time.

I can't do this start-up alone. On top of that? We're engaged.

Please don't give me any advice or remarks about the romantic relationship we have. Trust me, I know all the red flags.

I need help pinpointing what is so blatantly unreasonable about this whole situation, and tips on how to beat him into shape when it comes to money transparency, and focusing on tasks that ABSOLUTELY need to be done.

submitted by /u/MichaelPraetorius
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