Is there an honest take on Groovefunnels?
Is there an honest take on Groovefunnels?

I'm taking the plunge into solopreneuring and am at the earliest stages of trying to set up my online business. After shopping around for a platform I came across Groovefunnels which professes to be an all-in-one funneling service for websites and online sales. It's in beta and I have been reading glowing review after glowing review for its too-good-to-be-true all-inclusive lifetime package for something like $1400. Upon visiting the site, I was happy with what they were offering but the way in which they were pushing the all-inclusive platinum membership was really offputting (think a car salesman given the platform of a 30-minute infomercial accompanied by a graphic designer specializing in early 2000's pop-up ads - it was a lot). I then discovered that platinum members get 40% commissions through affiliate marketing. My MLM senses were tingling. This consequently tainted these favorable reviews as they originated from users of the platform and certainly had something to gain by venerating it.

This is my long roundabout way of asking if anyone knows of a reliable source (no blogs) in which I can get an honest take on this service. Is Groovefunnels legit or is this something that should be stayed away from?

submitted by /u/oechsph
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