I want to pull the trigger and quit my job to work on my business, but I just can't seem to do it.
job is part time, pays well, nice colleagues etc. I worked a decade to get this unicorn position and almost about to get promoted again.
but business is doing better and demands more time. I want to spend more time promoting it on social media etc
I'm not worried about money, got enough to live with or without the business. But my job is one of a kind, if I leave I will likely never work in the industry again.
Has anyone made a similar decision/opinions/talk me into quitting my job?
edit: ok this unicorn job isn't all that. it's just a boring finance job but I've been there so long I get to do what I like and most days get paid for doing nothing, but then busy times suck. I've been in the industry a long time and hated every job except this one, hence unicorn job. and yes my business is making several times my job and I actually enjoy what I do.
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