It depends on what you mean by "reskin".
It depends on what you mean by "reskin". The WOW TBC Gold mythic mount of N'Zoth is simply the mount for jellyfish, Jaina mythic is only the mount for shamans, Gul'dan's mythic mount just the grumpus mount (I am thinking at least) Shackled Ur'zul, from mythical Argus is (I believe) the skeletal gryphon mount that DKs have.

Archimonde's Felsteel Anihilator may be the only mythical mount I remember being "original in the time". The new Sylvanas mythic Mount is a unique type of mount.

I'm thinking that the term "recolour" is often used to buy WOW Classic Burning Crusade Gold refer to an exchange of texture? I'm not quite sure as the meaning goes. It's certainly much easier to recolour than everything else and all they have to do is to make use of a slider alter the color on it and call it an evening.

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