What Questions/Finance Metrics to ask to determine Startup Health?
What Questions/Finance Metrics to ask to determine Startup Health?

Hi all,

I joined my first startup earlier this year. I was naive and didn't do my due diligence, and I was not aware that this startup only had 3 months of runway when they hired me.

Long story short, the startup ran out of funding earlier this week. I have been on a job search the last month, and already have offers coming in. I really enjoy startup life and don't mind working for one again, as long as the startup is not a sinking ship when they hire me.

I have a verbal offer from one startup, and am meeting with their CFO later this week so he can answer any and all financial questions I have. Besides the obvious question of asking what their current runway rate is, I'm curious what other questions I need to ask in order to judge this startup's financial health?

Any suggestions?

*obviously I know every startup is a gamble and there is no such thing as job security, etc. But I do believe it is possible to learn, and the right of a potential employee to know, the financial health of a startup before signing the employment contract.


submitted by /u/hellletloose94
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