How do you entrepeneurs develop a thick skin? Or approach self doubt?
How do you entrepeneurs develop a thick skin? Or approach self doubt?

Hello everyone, I(22m) just recently joined this forum. I am trying to be an entrepeneur but my family does not believe in me and heavily criticise my choices.

Technically to give you a background. I chose to leave uni half way in my last year in engineering because I thought it was useless to pursue it further. Evaluated start and end of my university course, I ended up learning everything myself without much of the lecturers and they do not give helpful feedback at all to improve. It was always my goal to be an entrepeneur to kickstart my ideas and make the world a better place. Ended up deep diving on entrepeneurship and startups how most of them fail, no matter how educated a person is. That the ability to do the work based on your own ideas, working on your skills is the most vital to bounce back and ability is the most important thing. Found out my flair and affinity is in coding.

So i left. I Work hard, spend more than 50+ hours weeks learning to code properly, software archirecture and etc. My friends and SO agree that my app idea is a great concept. I have loads of concepts in the back burner if this one fails.

But I always hear my family backbiting behind me. Judging me on my decision saying that I "should" get a full time engineering job. That they believe "I dont know what i am doing. Treating me as if I am still a kid" even though they dont understand how I learn 8+ hours everyday, that I am doing all of this so that I can be a business owner. It demotivates me at times affecting my performance.

How do you guys deal with these feelings of self doubt when criticised?

submitted by /u/Powerful_Acadia_1228
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