They'll Love You When Things Go Right And Blame You The First Time Something Goes Wr
They'll Love You When Things Go Right And Blame You The First Time Something Goes Wr

This is an amazing lesson for anyone getting into business of any industry that clients will love you when everything is going great and immediately blame you when something goes wrong. Now I'm not saying it's your fault in fact 99.9% of the time it isn't your fault in fact most of the time it might have to do with things you aren't even invovled in. Take one of my most recent ex-clients, he ran a fencing business in minneapolis and he hired me to help him grow his company online through my SEO services. He told me about all these past companies who couldn't help him and how his competition was so difficult to beat, and boom in no more than 3 months we were already dominating the industry up over 150% traffic since starting and things seemed like they couldn't be better until my client decided to take matters into his own hands. He started trying to "help" by doing all these things I advised against and would eventually get his website blacklisted but would end up blaming me despite all my constant pleading with him to not do these things like buying reviews, using ctr manipulation, and the list goes on and on. In the end like I said he blamed me for it all telling me that I was the problem, but did I yell and scream at him no... (maybe a litte) and in the end I told him you know what maybe I'm not the SEO guy for you and that's okay. So the morale of the story is don't sweat it too much do the best job you can do because whether it's right or wrong you're going to be loved or blamed for all the business problems.

submitted by /u/Juicetin1998
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