What would you do?
What would you do?

Say you are 21 live at home not in school or work, start a semi passive business requires 2 hrs a day or less. No other source of income can scale to 7K on a good month.

But the business has

No control No barrier to entry (apart from the fact that’s it’s extremely niche) Extremely aggravating customer base (think entitled fortnite kid with moms credit card) No scale, very low room for growth (maxes out at 10K/M and 50K/M If you wanna really put yourself out there and in danger) and everyone and every platform you are on dislike you, PayPal , Twitter Facebook all will ban you at some point. The business isn’t illegal per say , just breaks some TOSs.

Now you are at cross roads , you’ve built a good savings off this business. No website and you haven’t seen how far you can push it. Would you shoot for a more stable, higher income potential business with less mortal enemies? Or gun for gold and see how far you can push it damn the impending war?

You know absolutely nothing other business opportunities , so if you choose to use your earnings to fund another venture you are basically shooting blanks in the dark again.

Oh and you have to make a decision soon as the main business requires great investment to continue or it will die soon.

submitted by /u/Intempore
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