Am I too impatient with my potential other Stakeholders, or Not?
Am I too impatient with my potential other Stakeholders, or Not?

I feel like my potential Stakeholder/Co-Founders aren't pulling their weight or producing much verifiable output. Am I being too impatient or are my concerns legitimate?

I developed a prototype for a new digital product that has not been done before - a new evolution on a 1.1billion dollar industry. Think of it like using an Artist's song, but delivering it in a unique way.

I reached out to someone (Mr X) who had legal and relationship experience with 'Artists' and I reached out to someone (Mr Y) which Tech experience to help build the app.

I'm the product expert & idea guy.

Both X & Y, loved the idea and wanted to join as soon as they heard about it and experienced the prototype.

It's been 2 weeks in and I have:

  1. Developed 2 more prototypes (to start creating a library)
  2. Created a Financial Model to test assumptions
  3. Set up a Project Plan
  4. Contacted a Start-up Lawyer to help formalise everything
  5. I sent a survey to 700 people and had 121 people respond to test the viability of the idea
  6. Designed a Logo (although it won't be the final one we land on)

Mr X - has sent a list of 100 possible artists to start focusing on, he also sent a survey to 11,000 on his list and only had 40 replies.

Mr Y - has put his existing team into a chat to get them aware of possible upcoming work.

I'm seeking advice because it's easier to pull out now, than it will be once things are formalised with Operating Agreements and Stakeholder agreements.


submitted by /u/fozrok
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