Any point working for a start up for 6 months?
Any point working for a start up for 6 months?

Hi everyone,

I currently live in London where there is a pretty strong start up scene but will be moving countries to do an MBA and with my current timings would have about 6 months to do a different role.

I don't think I'll land in a start up after my MBA but I think I'd like to get involved in the scene once I'm more financially stable, putting another 3-5 years into a corporate role.

I would like a more meaningful purpose at work (I.e. Being closer to the end product), and to have a bit less corporate structure and chill culture, but I also don't want to derail my career story for a 6 month stint (I'm not saying this would definitely happen but I suppose it could?)

On that basis, is it worth getting involved with a start up for just 6 months? Or will I be better served staying in the corporate world? I'm guessing most join start ups for the long haul to build equity?

Keen to hear everyone's thoughts.


submitted by /u/Busy-But-Bored
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