Question about opening first business bank account
Question about opening first business bank account


I'm in the planning stages for opening a small, one person business. Have done some research and came across several online banking options that might work for me. From what I'm reading, some people have accounts opened very quickly, others wait weeks with lots of back and forth email requests for more information, etc.

I'm considering applying to a handful at the same time (Mercury, NOVO, NBKC, perhaps one or two others), waiting for acceptance/denial, and then choosing, partly based on the experience. This way I don't have to wait for an answer that could take weeks and be a denial and waste time, having to start all over again with another bank.

My question is, are there any disadvantages to applying to a handful of banks at the same time? Don't want to potentially shoot myself in the foot.

submitted by /u/MusicBig3921
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