*Rant* Do as I say, Not as I Do Owners are a PITA
*Rant* Do as I say, Not as I Do Owners are a PITA

I gotta rant and not sure where else to do so.

I am the Business Manager of a Production Company(Live concerts, private events) I have worked with for 13 years. I literally started as a grunt labor hand setting up sound equipment and have worked my way up to be directly below the Owner and managing the company.

2 months ago the Owner and me sat down and went over annual revenue and monthly needs post covid. A lot our insurance rates have gone up, rent has gone up, etc. One of the Owners requests was we stop discounting our services so much as he'd like to start making a higher profit off the company. (We typically re-invest 50-60% of net profit back into the company to continue purchasing gear/equipment. We don't have anything financed) Easy enough for me to do. The other side of the coin is we raised our "minimum cost" or basically, what our absolute best possible price is per gig to ensure we are covering monthly costs. This minimum number is $1100. All fine and good, no issues.

He called me yesterday and said "Oh yeah, we have an event the 17th and I told them it would only cost $900.


What was the point of our whole meeting about numbers if You aren't gonna follow through!!

End rant

submitted by /u/Kamikazepyro9
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