Long COVID risk no lower with breakthrough infection; COVID-19 survival improves for
Long COVID risk no lower with breakthrough infection; COVID-19 survival improves for European cancer patients

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The following is a summary of some recent studies on COVID-19. They include research that warrants further study to corroborate the findings and that has yet to be certified by peer review.

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Long COVID risk not lower after breakthrough infection
COVID-19 vaccines are highly effective in protecting against serious illness, but they do not protect against "long COVID" in people who become infected despite vaccination, new data show. For six months, researchers tracked 9,479 vaccinated individuals diagnosed with COVID-19 and about the same number of infected patients who had not been vaccinated.

Compared to the unvaccinated patients, people with so-called breakthrough infections were "at a much lower risk of severe complications of COVID-19" such as the need to be admitted to an intensive care unit, requiring breathing assistance, or developing a blood clot in their legs or lungs, said Maxime Taquet of the University of Oxford.

But other complications of the virus, including the syndrome of lingering symptoms known as long COVID, occurred at similar rates regardless of vaccination status, his team said in a paper posted on medRxiv ahead of peer review. In people over age 60 with breakthrough infections, vaccines protected against COVID-19 complications only weakly or not at all, Taquet noted.

COVID-19 survival has improved for European cancer patients
European cancer patients who get sick with COVID-19 are much more likely to survive now than they were earlier in the pandemic, researchers found.

They reviewed the outcomes of more than 2,600 cancer patients with coronavirus infections treated in six countries between February 2020 and February 2021 to calculate death rates within the first two weeks after diagnosis. "The initial studies on the topic documented a mortality rate ranging from 30 per cent to 40 per cent ... in patients with cancer," said Dr David James Pinato of Imperial College London.

"Our study suggests that over the course of the pandemic the mortality has gradually reduced, even before vaccines were implemented, reducing to a figure that was as low as 12.5per cent during the so called 'second wave' in Europe." Cancer patients diagnosed earlier in the pandemic also had more COVID-19 complications, his team reported on Wednesday in JAMA Oncology.

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