What do you do when you know something is bad for you, you know it’s side effects,
What do you do when you know something is bad for you, you know it’s side effects,

My fatal flaw is weed.

After freelance SEO writing for 2 years, I started an agency 7 months ago.

So for the past 3 years, I’ve worked whenever I wanted as long as I hit the deadline. I have no one to answer to. I have no time constraints. I’m literally nocturnal for weeks on end (I prefer it), only stopping when I must attend social gatherings or hang with friends.

It’s all well and swell. Except, that luxury of time makes me smoke weed / take edis. I do it almost every day, for the past 2 years.

I function normally the day after and it doesn’t affect my work or income. But I know it’s still going to affect negatively me long-term because my brain is still developing.

I don’t WANT to suffer those consequences. Yet? I just don’t want to stop.

The worst part is that I don’t think I’m actually addicted. When I went to visit my friends in another city for example for a week, not once did I have the urge to get high. When I actually have to do something, I won’t get high. I just won’t feel like it because responsibilities are nagging at me.

I think why I do it so much is because the position I’m in with my business and freedom makes me kind of lonely naturally, since all my friends are 9-5ers. So I take weed to sort of have fun in my own company with music and shit.

I even do martial arts and weight-lift 4-5 times a week. I like taking the edi while I workout.

I feel like it’s also stunting me from taking my business to $10k+/mo.

Do you see my issue? It’s not posing a direct threat necessarily, and I like it. I want to do it. But I know I should stop. I don’t think im addicted. HELP.

submitted by /u/BluntOwl
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