I'm going to write this as almost a testimony. I am a 18 yo freshmen student in engineering. I plan on going into computer science my sophomore year. Over the end of my first semester I started really getting into the idea of drop shipping but I lack mentorship. I know absolutely no one with a business background so networking is really difficult for me with covid and I still have yet for someone to confirm if drop shipping is even a real way of making it big. I invested in the stock market since the beginning of quarantine back in march where I lost most of my capital from bad decisions with a lot of emotions attached. I have a ton of ambition with very little desire to work a 9-5 wage based job; I want to become my own CEO. I am practically going to school for the skill of web and application design but it is taking very long as I learned nothing new from my senior year of high school and will continue to do so my next semester which is very demotivating. I want to skip the 4 years and start on my journey of becoming an entrepreneur. My school does offer an engineer/entrepreneur program but you don't get into it until your junior year. I feel like I can learn many marketing skills with only the internet but I have yet to find the right place as most businessmen will never tell the true ways to succeed as it can only hurt them. That's where mentorship would really come in handy which I seek to find. How did you find your mentors?
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