Continuous Improvement in the business world
Continuous Improvement in the business world

During this pandemic, many people have talked about self-improvement and how we should use our time to get better at what we do.

For any business to succeed, it is paramount to continually improve its offerings, its processes, the people.

How much time do you spend doing this, thinking about improvement? What tools do you use and what processes do you have in place?

I personally have been a fan of Kaizen and its tools. Developed in Japan by car manufacturers, it is a continuous improvement process that focuses on finding and implementing small, incremental improvements. Toyota Production System is famous for utilizing Kaizen. It's employees continually improving how they work, how the cars are designed, how they learn, etc.

I've written an article on Kaizen tools. I believe it could be of help for those businesses who are thinking about creating a continuous improvement culture. Kaizen and its tools could be of great value.

Would love to hear more about how you improve your businesses, processes and products.

submitted by /u/terry_teamhq
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