Stripe/CC vs PayPal for payments?
Stripe/CC vs PayPal for payments?

I sell stuff online, average about $1k/month, less than 10 transactions/month. I currently use PayPal to get my money. I use PayPal because it's so widely accepted by the public. I hate PayPal.

I have a business checking account for another business that doesn't accept CC payments. I had another business a couple years ago with a separate and now closed checking account that did. Should I ditch PayPal and jump through the, hopefully(?), minimal hoops for Stripe or something to go back to the much less hassle filled world of straight up CC processing for my customers?

And if so, any suggestions for a processor?


edit - The business checking account I have is for a separate business, I just thought I might need one for CC processing but I guess I can use my personal checking account for Stripe. Thanks for the feedback too!

submitted by /u/Plow_King
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Stripe/CC vs PayPal for payments? - by Aplus - 06-13-2021, 11:31 AM

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