15-year-old looking for some advice
15-year-old looking for some advice

Hey guys, my name's Reid and I've come to you today looking for some advice. I've wanted to start a business for a long time but never really knew what I should do.

My goal is to have two businesses:

One that's smaller and designed to teach me about the business world as much as it's designed to make money, like sort of a side hustle vending machines for example,

And another business that's designed to build over time, something like 5-10 years is what I'm thinking a content agency type business for example

But my main problem is if I pick a business I'm going to have to commit to it fully, so I need to make sure I pick a good one if possible. What kind of resources do you guys think I should look into? any tips? All help is very much appreciated.

submitted by /u/Reidx0
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15-year-old looking for some advice - by AmandaRob - 09-20-2022, 11:08 AM

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