Competitor is basically exactly the idea I had in mind, should I still continue?
Competitor is basically exactly the idea I had in mind, should I still continue?

I'm looking into building an app, a form builder, but I found a competitor doing pretty well that's basically exactly the idea I had in mind. They are pretty different to others in the market (Notion-like interface), but I had that exact idea (combining something like Notion into a form builder) and found out about them when I searched for those keywords. They're pretty cheap too and have unlimited forms, unlimited submissions, unlimited everything for basically free, so I'm not even sure how I can differentiate.

Would it be bad to continue building my idea because it might look like blatant copying even though I had the idea before I even knew about this other company? And what could I do to compete given that their pricing seems so good?

submitted by /u/cscqthrowaway16661
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Competitor is basically exactly the idea I had in mind, should I still continue? - by Albert - 11-01-2022, 04:36 AM

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