Post military - GI bill for entrepreneurship education in Los Angeles Area
Post military - GI bill for entrepreneurship education in Los Angeles Area

After ten years in the military they have finally thrown so much shit at me its time to punch out. Ive never been good at the military so I made it a priority to build my skills and finances externally. Ive had a really good run with my investments (they have exceeded my entire military careers pay) and am looking to chase the higher level opportunities that entrepreneurship can bring.

Ive got an undergrad in Materials Engineering and a masters in Engineering Management. I would like to do a starter level business and then use those lessons to build up something more significant like engineering or tech. I still have more than half my GI Bill and am looking for opinions on where to use it for entrepreneurship study (I think the best lessons dont come out of school but its free benefits and housing that I might as well use while I get my shit together).

Current thought is to get an MBA with an entrepreneurship focus and use my GI Bill to pay for that and its housing allowance to live off while my investments continue to compound. I am a little concerned in that I dont test well and so am hoping to use my Master GPA (3.9), career experience developing new technologies, and Vet status to get around admissions testing if I can.

  • What universities and programs are best for entrepreneurship?
  • Who has the best alumni that can beat leverage connections to successful entrepreneurs?
  • What else should I consider besides the academic courses in the program and potential entrepreneurship electives? Any clubs or the like?
submitted by /u/PsudoDog
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Post military - GI bill for entrepreneurship education in Los Angeles Area - by AmandaRob - 11-23-2020, 11:13 AM

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