Starting a merch store for a music label...need help!
Starting a merch store for a music label...need help!

Hello all.

I am looking for some help / advice. I have been working with a music label as a fun project on the side that has been recently started to take off. Long story short they need/want a merch store and asked me to help get the ball rolling. I know nothing about clothing or stores but I am looking for help in starting it up.

The people I work with are willing to spend lots of money for quality I just need to know where to start...

What is the best place to start looking for samples? Alibaba? Aliexpress?

submitted by /u/WlLLlS
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Starting a merch store for a music label...need help! - by AmandaRob - 12-14-2020, 12:07 AM

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