People Not Buying Because of My Age
People Not Buying Because of My Age

To give some context, I am an online course creator (16 years old) and I have a iOS development course (make iOS apps).

I've been recently been getting a lot of leads but they never seem to buy. I also did a survey for everyone who gets my free content and it turns out, most people are over 20 years old, if not, they're older.

I show my face throughout the funnel in the free content, vsl's, etc. So, I think that one problem with my funnel is me, well my age. That people automatically give less trust and seriousness as soon as they see my 16 year old face.

I'm not too sure on what I should do about it, do you have any recommendations?

note: I know this is broad, but you can check out the funnel if you want:

submitted by /u/Tw1nkle_Toes
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People Not Buying Because of My Age - by AmandaRob - 03-28-2021, 09:00 AM

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