I'm considering using cloud based storage for my client's digital images (as a featu
I'm considering using cloud based storage for my client's digital images (as a featu

Hi! Emily here again with HeritageTreasury. Preserving your family photos and heirlooms physically and digitally!

I had a client ask me today why I chose not to consider cloud based storage for my photo digitization clients. The words "legal nightmare" danced around my head but I couldn't formulate a great answer. I wound up basically saying it might come soon, but there were many things we needed to set up in terms of cloud accounts and access permissions to get the whole thing going. --PHEW-- We are very new, and people are willing to work with us whatever we do, so its pretty groovy.

Anyway, I was thinking about this Cloud shit earlier today and I threw the subject at my partner and he said

"Anything you put into the cloud is subject to so many data breeches, and there is extremely lax security with different users. Anything that could go wrong -- our ass is going to answer for it. No."

But I see many digitization services around me that offer to literally set up cloud storage options for people. They seem to be offering it widely over hard flash storage or disk storage (which, as a data hoarder... i prefer...)

I'm just imagining this nightmare scenario happening that happened to me when The Cloud first came out.

You have a family of 5, all the apple accounts are synced in a family. There's an option for you to back up all photos automatically to the cloud on each device. Most people will say 'sure whatever'. Dad says "lets do a slideshow of our cloud photos as a family". 12 year old Mo forgot he backed up his photos to cloud, now his whole family is looking at his porn screenshots on their family slideshow. (legitimately true story. It was a boyfriend's little brother and he was mortified.)

My demographic is well-heeled and 45+, and I am always surprised at their level of tech understanding, but there are stragglers. The folks who push on their touch screen as if there are physical buttons. I'm worried about them asking for cloud service.

Could this be something that lands me a bite in the ass, or am I overreacting?

submitted by /u/MichaelPraetorius
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