Please tell me I'm not alone
Please tell me I'm not alone

I am about 5 months into my pilot project and I still have no product yet to sell. My idea has been put to fruition, and I currently have factories in china manufacturing the products. However, I still have no products to sell, and its still just an idea at this point. I am dealing with coronavirus flare ups in China, and rolling blackouts. My product has been significantly delayed.

I have no proof of concept, I am about 50k invested into this endeavor, and I don't for see any products being sold until my first shipment in August.

How do you deal with all this money flying out the window on a vision that you will make a significant ROI? I go from excited, to anxious regularly. I don't quite know how to build my brand without the products here to make a webpage, or a social media following. Any advice would be appreciated.

submitted by /u/nothestrawberrypatch
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