Any advice? Feeling discouraged.
Any advice? Feeling discouraged.

I have a small cookie business and I am not getting any customers. We've been open for about 4-5 months (minus a couple weeks in the middle due to a family member's death) and I can't seem to increase volume. Don't know if I'm just over thinking things or if there is a serious issue.

I think it's because I don't have a store front and the kitchen that I sell out of is inside the building. I'm only a block away from the main tourist/restaurant area, but people don't seem to want to head my way. I blast Facebook, bought a 12 feather flag, and done multiple promotions; but I can't seem to draw people.

If y'all have any questions that would help your answer, don't hesitate to ask.

submitted by /u/BearOutOfTheWoods
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