Where do you get the money to start your company?
I have a decent business idea. But there is no such thing as venture capital where I live. And frankly anyone with big money would likely just look at my background and say "yeah right".
Banks don't make entrepreneurial loans. They make sba loans to existing small companies with cash flow but difficult credit situations.
If I tap my life savings then I'm broke and wouldn't be anywhere near enough to start. How do I pay the bills while we have no income?
Friends and family are poor.
This to me is the true crucial step of becoming an entrepreneur and yet it's glossed over everywhere I read. They just make it sound like money is everywhere. It isn't if you live in rural Alabama. Everyone is poor and the kind of money in would need isnt $10k. It's $4-6 million to get started and that would last about 2 maybe 3 years.
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