How to partner up with agencies to have a stronger case study and close more social
How to partner up with agencies to have a stronger case study and close more social

Hi guys! I'm currently watching Alex Berman's (AB) Email10k, a course that basically teaches how agencies can score high ticket deals. In one of the videos, he mentioned that if your agency (Firm X) doesn't have a sterling portfolio yet, one can partner up with a much bigger agency (Firm Y) that has and use their portfolio to pitch to bigger companies. Has anyone from the branding / SMM / web dev agency space tried this approach to level up their lead generation efforts? If so, does this make Firm X the middle-man if ever a big transaction was scored and let Firm Y do the work? Does this mean paying Firm Y their fee from the total deal scored using their portfolio (with their consent because of the partnership)? Curious to know if anyone has tried this approach?

AB hasn't quite elaborated on the delegation of tasks when two firms collaborate so I'm curious how it usually goes, in a way that it's a win-win for the two? And should they be firms of equal size or can it be that firm X is much smaller than firm Y? THANK YOU!

submitted by /u/bonacubax
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