Alibaba suppliers are becoming way too expensive. How to find a supplier closer to h
Alibaba suppliers are becoming way too expensive. How to find a supplier closer to h


I previously had good luck ordering garments for my online shop from Alibaba. I even made a detailed post about it here.

However, the prices keep going up, not to mention the cost of shipping which had almost doubled in price in less than a year.

Ordering from China has become too difficult, so I am looking for a white-label manufacturer of women's sportswear (leggings primarily) in Europe.

I am not interested in ordering clothes from stock but in making garments from scratch following my design ideas.

If anyone can point me in the right direction, I would be most thankful.

Otherwise, I am also interested in knowing how you guys are battling the increase in prices in China?


submitted by /u/Head_Note
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